Enhance the shadow of a grayscale image

In this notebook different examples are given to enhance a shadow within an image. The methods here use a grayscale image, and put emphasis on the spatial neighborhood. While other methods are used to transform different bands to a single image, as these are based on the spectral signature.

import of funcitons from libraries

First we need to import some generic libraries for plotting and file management

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import os
import numpy as np

Than more specific functions can be imported from the dhdt library

Than more specific functions can be imported from the **dhdt** libraryfrom dhdt.generic.mapping_io import read_geo_image
from dhdt.generic.handler_sentinel2 import get_s2_image_locations, get_s2_dict

from dhdt.input.read_sentinel2 import list_central_wavelength_msi, read_stack_s2, s2_dn2toa, read_mean_sun_angles_s2

from dhdt.preprocessing.shadow_transforms import apply_shadow_transform
from dhdt.preprocessing.shadow_filters import enhance_shadows
from dhdt.preprocessing.image_transforms import mat_to_gray, inverse_tangent_transformation

from dhdt.postprocessing.solar_tools import make_shading, make_shadowing

data preparation

Here some local data is taken, please adjust this to your own liking. A link to a Sentinel-2 directory is given, as well as, a link to a CopDEM elevation model of the same resolution.

dat_dir = '/local/path/S2A_MSIL1C_20201019T213531_N0209_R086_T05VMG_20201019T220042.SAFE'

Z_file = "COP-DEM-05VMG.tif"
Z_dir = os.path.join('/local/path','Cop-DEM_GLO-30')

Z = read_geo_image(os.path.join(Z_dir, Z_file))[0]

A selection of bands is used here (only the 10m), and a random subset of the image is taken, so the details can be seen. Furthermore, most meta-data is extracted and put in a dataframe and a dictionary.

boi = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'nir']
h,w = 100, 500
s2_df = list_central_wavelength_msi()
s2_df = s2_df[s2_df['common_name'].isin(boi)]
s2_df, datastrip_id = get_s2_image_locations(os.path.join(dat_dir, 'MTD_MSIL1C.xml'), s2_df)
s2_dict = get_s2_dict(s2_df)

Now the data can be loaded and cut to the subset.

im_stack, spatialRef, geoTransform, targetprj = read_stack_s2(s2_df)
im_stack = mat_to_gray(im_stack)
m,n = im_stack.shape[0], im_stack.shape[1]
j_min, i_min = np.random.randint(w, n-w), np.random.randint(h, m-h)
j_max, i_max = j_min + w, i_min + h
im_stack = im_stack[i_min:i_max,j_min:j_max,:]

For convenience, the data can be plotted. Here the near infrared band is shown.

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [16.,4.]
plt.title('near infrared band'),
plt.imshow(inverse_tangent_transformation(4*im_stack[:,:,-1]), cmap=plt.cm.gray), plt.axis('off');

Since an elevation model is also loaded, a synthetic image can also be created. Which will hopefully ease the interpretation of the different methodologies later on.

sun_zn, sun_az = read_mean_sun_angles_s2(s2_dict['MTD_TL_path'])
Shw =  make_shadowing(Z.data, sun_az, sun_zn)
Shd =  make_shading(Z.data, sun_az, sun_zn)
Shw, Shd = Shw[i_min:i_max,j_min:j_max], Shd[i_min:i_max,j_min:j_max]

A visualization of a shading and a shadowing can now be created

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [16.,4.]
plt.title('Synthetic shading and shadowing'),
plt.imshow(0.5*Shd+(1-Shw), cmap=plt.cm.gray), plt.axis('off');

Now the multi-spectral dataset is transformed to a shadow image, via pixel-wise spectral transformation

i_bl = np.flatnonzero(s2_df['common_name']=='blue')[0]
i_gr = np.flatnonzero(s2_df['common_name'] == 'green')[0]
i_rd = np.flatnonzero(s2_df['common_name']=='red')[0]
i_nr = np.flatnonzero(s2_df['common_name'] == 'nir')[0]
S = apply_shadow_transform('entropy',im_stack[...,i_bl], im_stack[...,i_gr],im_stack[...,i_rd],[],
                           im_stack[...,i_nr], [], a=138.)[0]
S = inverse_tangent_transformation(S)

The shadow image can be plotted, which forms the input for the different shadow enhancement techniques.

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [16.,4.]
plt.title('Raw shadow transform'), plt.imshow(S, cmap=plt.cm.gray), plt.axis('off');

main processing

In the following, the different spatial shadow enhancement techniques are calculated and shown.

S_k = enhance_shadows(S, 'kuwahara')
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [16.,4.]
plt.title('Shadow enhancement via Kuwahara filter'), plt.imshow(S_k, cmap=plt.cm.gray), plt.axis('off');
S_l = enhance_shadows(S, 'L0', lamb=1E-3)
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [16.,4.]
plt.title('Shadow enhancement via L0 smoothing'), plt.imshow(S_l, cmap=plt.cm.gray), plt.axis('off');
S_a = enhance_shadows(S, 'anistropic', K=.03, n=8)
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [16.,4.]
plt.title('Shadow enhancement via anistropic smoothing'), plt.imshow(S_a, cmap=plt.cm.gray), plt.axis('off');
S_m = enhance_shadows(S, 'median')
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [16.,4.]
plt.title('Shadow enhancement via iterative median filtering'), plt.imshow(S_m, cmap=plt.cm.gray), plt.axis('off');