getting started


The naming is a reference to a shortening of a technical term, that changed into jargon. Anyways, here h is elevation and t denotes time and d is a differential operator. Hence it should be read as elevation change over time. Which is the information of interest, since elevation or kinematics causes geometric change that can be observed via satellite imagery.


dhdt has the following dependencies and requirements:

  • Python 3.6 or later

  • numpy is an extensive library with array operations

  • geopandas geospatial data manipulation

  • rasterio for modification of geospatial imagery

  • scikit-image a Python image library used for operations on rasters

  • scikit-learn an extensive collection data analytics functions

  • scipy generic data analytics functions library

  • Pillow is a wrapper used for raster manipulation

  • shapely a package used for vector manipulation